Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"Busiest Convention in Years" : Extended Contingency Schedule Approved

With the unprecedented flood of motions and resolutions expected this year in San Antonio, the SBC Executive Committee and the Committee on Order of Business has taken action to address the very real possibility that the standard convention schedule does not include enough time to accommodate all of the business that will be brought to the floor June 12-13. The strategy adopted by the Committee on Order of Business is to deal with the less-controversial measures first (boilerplate approvals of reports, resolutions on hospitality, etc.). If time elapses during the regular meeting, the most controversial resolutions and motions will be resolved in a special extended session scheduled for June 26, 6:30 pm. By the way, I submitted a resolution this year. I'll share it later.


  1. Bart:

    You may rest assured that I will be there.

    Appropriating the apropos persona, of course.


  2. Before I clicked on the link, I thought you were serious. I was already making flight arrangements in my mind.

    Thanks for the laugh. :)

  3. May I assume that your resolution has do with the month of February and its location on the calendar?

  4. ben,

    so, you're jimmy hart? well, well, well. now, it all fits. now, we understand everything.

    btw, i'm really plowboy frazier. do you remember me? in my overalls? jerry lawler is a good friend of mine. :)


  5. I'm glad everyone is enjoying themselves.

    Robin Foster and I will reserve the roles of the Fabulous Ones.

  6. Keith,

    I'm bringing a resolution against canned biscuits.

  7. I plan on coming on as Sting...thats right Ben Cole...Just one look at my 6 pack abbs and you will know the STING is gonna get ya baby!!!!!

    Jack "The Sting" Maddox

  8. And let me add that without a doubt CB Scott will be the OLD MAN of the square circle...thats right'''CB "The Hulkster" Scott


  9. Great Post Bart. Slam dunk. Your best post ever.

  10. Brother Bart,

    I plan on purchasing a $70 ticket to this event. I am not sure I want to participate, but I would like to watch.


  11. tim,

    you might want to inform everyone that i will be the heavyweight at the sbc wwf throwdown, baby! you know me. you've seen me. and, when i put my overalls on...whew weeee...watch out! i can body slam wes and squash cb and ben cole like bugs at the same time. i aint playin'...you hear me...i aint playin'....oh, errrr,uuhh, excuse me...i'll get back to my pastoral voice now.

    but, i'm trying to get dwight mckissic to join with me in a covenant of wrestlers celebration so we can tag team everybody.

    bart, by the way, if you're making a resolution against canned bisquits....i'm making a resolution against that packaged milk gravy. shuuuweee. if you cant make it from scratch, just give up tryin'.


  12. This photo will serve to make me more recognizable during this special extended session...

  13. wes,

    lol. thats really funny!


  14. Man, Wes, I told you to lay off the Creatine.

  15. Wes:
    Is that Andre the Giant?


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