Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Reservation for Two

There's a couple that have been attending our church. Retired from first careers into owning and operating a functional cattle ranch nearby, they have been married 34 years. Several months ago, I went to their home to visit them. They've been very faithful in attending the worship service since then. She's lost; he's a Christian. Until last night. I wish I were eloquent enough to describe to you the spiritual celebration we had in that living room. And the celebration spread for the remainder of the evening, as members of our congregation arranged Sunday School connections, and made preparation for Sunday (I'll be out-of-town when they are presented to the congregation). Until late in the evening I was sharing this good news with members of our church as we worked to welcome this new sister in Christ. It is always a great thing to witness Christ bringing a new member into the family. Always. But there's just something special about seeing a family united in their faith. I grew up going to church at just the right time to be exposed to films like "A Thief in the Night" while at an impressionable age. Thinking about the return of Christ often conjures up in my mind glimpses of Patty Myers wondering where her husband went. Whatever your eschatological convictions, we know that eternity will separate husbands from wives... ...but not in this family. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!


  1. Brother Bart,

    What a great time you had, but can you imagine the rejoicing in Heaven?


  2. "But there's just something special about seeing a family united in their faith."

    No doubt about it Bart. That, to me, is one of the greatest blessings in being a pastor, watching the Lord bring a family together.


  3. Amen. I had the privilege of leading a young man (approximately 30) to the Lord this past week. It was awesome... praise the Lord!!!

  4. Bart,
    I love that God allows us to participate in his work. I love to hear about (and personally witness) people coming to faith. It hits on the great need of the day- for us and our convention- a deep passion for God and the work of God. Doug Munton

  5. Thanks for sharing this great victory story. With that, I am...


  6. Praise be to God!

    Thanks for sharing about the Grace of God being given to another.

  7. To God be the glory! There really is no other word for Grace but amazing.

    There is no greater joy than leading someone into the kingdom.

    Thank you for sharing,

    Ron P.

  8. I would love for you to hear the Mothers Day testimony of one of our ladies that I had the privilege of leading to Jesus in her living room with her family. Ther wasn't a dry eye in the house. She gives testimony of being brought out of bars, drugs, and a life of abuse.

  9. Bart:
    Thanks for sharing this story. This is what ministry is all about and is well worth it.
    Luke 15:10

    Paul Kullman

  10. To all:

    I know it isn't really a story that you don't all experience in your own ministries. We blog out of the overflow of our hearts, and this was overflowing out of mine.

  11. What a wondeful story to read! How blessed you are to have been privileged to be a part of the reconciliation of lives in Christ. And the overflow of your heart blesses ours. selahV


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