Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Baptist Church Covenants: Suggested Resource

Things have started rolling along over at WikiCovenant. Some thoughtful additions have been made. We've already gotten into the alcohol question, which was anticipated. There's plenty more to discuss. I hope that all of you will come over and join the discussion. If you really want to get serious about this, you might check out the following book: Deweese, Charles W. Baptist Church Covenants. Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1990. Deweese's book is a compendium of various church covenants, ancient and modern, from Baptist life. If you can't find it on the shelves of your favorite bookstore, it is included on the Baptist History CD-ROM from Baptist Standard Bearer, which you can order online. And now, just as I post this, I see that Nathan Finn has bested me in suggesting covenant resources.


  1. You could have ended the last sentence after the phrase "Nathan Finn has bested me." :-)


  2. HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA! Score one for Nathan! (Sorry Bart.)

    BTW, I had one of my church family come to me last night and say we should also study our church covenant (we've just finished the BFM2000 & are currently in The Abstract of Principles on Wed Nights!).


  3. And when you are done with the Abstract, don't forget the 1689 confession. It's all only a few clicks away.

    Bennett Willis


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