Thursday, August 23, 2007

Upcoming Conference Opportunities

The Family: Reclaiming a Biblical View of the Family, Womanhood, and Manhood

SWBTS's Center for Leadership Development will present The Family conference September 13-14, 2007 in the Smith Center. Speakers include the Pattersons, Dr. Russ Moore, Dr. Mark Liederbach, Dr. Tom Eliff, and Dr. Richard Land. No topic is more timely, and these speakers are qualified to dispense just the prescription that the families in our churches need. I highly recommend this conference.

Engage Conference

Prestonwood Baptist Church will host the 2007 Engage Conference October 22-24, 2007. Keynote speakers will be Jack Graham, James Macdonald, James Merritt, and O. S. Hawkins. Keith and Kristyn Getty will provide worship leadership. Teaching responsibilities will prevent me from attending the whole thing, but I may sneak in for Tuesday and part of Wednesday. All of the preachers are top notch. Graham has a real heart for encouraging younger pastors. I attended a Paul-Timothy event at which Hawkins spoke, and he gave some very helpful, practical advice that has helped me ever since. I've never heard the Gettys in person, which motivates me strongly to attend. If any of you plan to attend Engage, please let me know. You'll only be a few miles from Farmersville, and I'd love to meet you face-to-face that week.


  1. Are you planning on attending the conference on the family by any chance?

  2. Cameron,

    I still don't know for sure. I would LOVE to go, but can only manage so much time away from my pastoral duties.

  3. I won't be going to the conference, but I work across the street if you want to get together for coffee after Tuesday's sessions.


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