Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Pointed Humor at SBC Outpests
I truly dislike Internet anonymity. People ought to have the courage to take ownership of their words. After making it clear that I am not behind SBC Outpests, I had determined not to make mention of what I would regard as a "spoof" blog in the future.
But I may have to reconsider that conclusion. The current post at SBC Outpests is some of the best satire I've read in sixteen months of active blogging. The quality is so high and the insight so keen that it would be wrongful for me not to give you the opportunity to read it. I'm going to monitor this blog's feed for sure.
But this will be the only plug I give them...unless they change my mind again.
Now that's laugh out loud funny. Do not read this drinking a bottle of water.