Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Most Pressing Issues of Justice


  1. The most pressing issue of "justice" is defining the term. Many use the word, but few have any idea what it means.

  2. bart,

    i think you forgot to write something here. :)

    but, kevin s. has said something very good about it. of course, justice is unfortunately able to bought by the rich and famous.


  3. I think it's the middle of a Haiku. As in:

    Love broadness the most
    Pressing issues of justice
    Are eclipsed by sloth

    Maybe not

  4. OK, I'll play seriously now. My vote for the most pressing issue of justice is freedom of conscience.

    It implies personal responsibility, demands personal liberty, and is threatened everyplace where free people are willing to trade liberty for convenience and security, as well as where a belief or creed is physically persecuted. (Yes that is a long sentence)

    And lest I give inappropriate comfort to our freedom party, freedom of conscience does not protect one from inconvenience for the sake of his beliefs. It does require some level of courage and personal responsibility.

  5. A Blogger outage last night swallowed up a post I had carefully crafted. I was reluctant to say so because it just gives an occasion for Wes Kenney to stop by over here and diss me for using Blogger (again). I'll put up the real post tonight.

  6. Brother Bart,

    Only you can write a title with no article and thus far receive 7 comments. 5 of those comments are on the title. Goes to show that you may want to stick to just writing titles.:>)


  7. Bart,
    I'm just glad to see that you are back.

  8. Bart, someone forgot to say, "Possibly your best post ever!"


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