Sunday, August 31, 2008

Beyond Crying

|säb| verb (sobbed, sob•bing) [intrans.] cry noisily, making loud convulsive gasps. Syn: weep, snivel, howl, bawl, blubber

That, my friends, is what both Tracy and I did when we first watched this:


  1. Bart,

    You made me cry this morning. Thanks.

    I will be sendng this video to everyone on my email list.


  2. Bart,

    I can't imagine not being touched to tears -- especially anyone who has been part of the adoption process.

    Thanks for posting.

    BTW, it was Thanksgiving Day, 1961 when I was born and given up by an 18-year-old unwed mother from Miami through Children's Home Society of Florida. From one Baptist family to another. I met my birth mother (the first and only time) and two half-siblings in 1994. It was an arranged meeting that I initiated with the help of the adoption agency. I was able to say "thank you", and she was able to see how her little boy turned out to be a pastor -- and she met her 'grandchildren'.

    Kudos to Bethany Child Services and Mark Schultz for making the music video.

    God bless you and your family.

    Grace and life,

  3. Bart,

    My wife and I cried too. Six months ago we were asked to take in a 16 month old boy. We go to court in a week to begin the process to try and get custody and then to adopt him. It has been a very busy and blessed six months for us (which is why I have not been by the blogs much). It is very different having such a young one in the house again. We feel like we are starting a family all over again. Our youngest before this will be 16 this week.

    BTW, I would like to request prayer for my soon to be 16 year old. We go to see a neural surgeon on his birthday this week. When visiting ER a week ago for a football related injury, they discovered a cyst on his brain. It looks fairly large to us on the MRI though we will not know much about it until we see the surgeon. But I am thankful that our God is a great and marvelous God and it is in Him that we are trusting.

    Ron P.

  4. Wow a dad to a 4 year old who God put in our lives rather unexpectedly when he was only 4 months, I can only say...WOW!


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