Friday, December 12, 2008

In Memory of Nicholas Scroggs

Beyond posting this link and thanking so many of you for your kindness over that past seventeen hours, I find myself utterly unable to say anything. Please pray for this boy's family.


  1. Bart, I am so sorry to hear about this. My prayers are with you and all involved.

  2. Bart,

    Thanks for taking a moment to post this link so we can know about this tragedy. Leah and I are praying for your family and for the family of this young man.


  3. I'll be lifting you up in prayer this morning as well as the Nicholas' family. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace...

  4. Bart, may the Lord strengthen your inner man as well as that of this young man's family.

  5. Bart,

    Thanks for letting us know about this. May the God of all grace, give more grace.

  6. Bart,

    So sorry to hear about the incident, for all concerned including your family.

    We prayed for you last night when we heard, and I'm sure glad we serve a God Who's big enough to handle this sort of tragedy.

  7. As the reporter who did the story for WFAA and as the father of a 14 year old son, this tragedy touched my heart. Pastor Bart, you and your family and the Scroggs are all in our thoughts and prayers. May God give all of you strength during this difficult time.
    Steve Stoler, Senior Reporter

  8. Bart,

    May God give abundant grace to you and to your family and to the family of this young man. I'm so sorry to hear about this tragedy.

    I love ya, Brother.


  9. Bart,

    I'm so sorry. I know exactly what you are going through. I hit a man over 20 years ago and he passed away. It still haunts me today. I will be praying for you and if you need to talk....this is one time I really know what you are going through.

    my email is :

  10. Bart,

    I too am so sorry to hear of this and wish to assure you of our prayers for you, your family and for the Scroggs family.


  11. Bart,

    Here is the post of what happened to me.

    I'm hurting with you.

  12. You and your family are in my prayers. I am a former teacher of Nick and I was devastated for all involved to hear the news. I know that God is with you and will continue to guide you during this difficult time.

  13. Bart,

    May God comfort you, your family, and the family of Nicholas. We are praying for you.

    Ron P.

  14. Bart,

    All of us at Lewisville Baptist Church are praying for you, your family, and the family of this young man.


  15. May God bless, comfort, and touch all involved is my prayer.

  16. Mr. Barber,

    I am very sorry that you and your family were involved in this accident. As hard as this is for me and my family, I am sure you are miserable as well.

    Robert Scroggs

  17. Bart and Traci Barber,

    Irene and I just Prayed for You and Your Family and the Scroggs Family. We are full of Tears and Heavy Hearts for You and this Accident. God has a Purpose for all Things and We just Can’t Understand The Why’s, But We do Know We Have a Perfect God and all is for His Glory.

    Wayne and Irene Smith

  18. Dear Robert,

    The prayer that we shared on the highway yesterday has not been my last prayer for you and for your family. I've been thinking about you guys every moment. Initially, I had very little to say because of was simply in total shock. At this point, I am saying absolutely nothing to the press or in these comments for one reason and one reason alone:

    It would be entirely disrespectful for anyone to take the slightest bit of attention away from Nick. The story here is that his promising young life has tragically ended. That story should be told by people who have known and loved him. I had neither privilege in this life, and I will leave the making of public statements to you guys, other than the brief statement of condolences that I issued this morning.

    Dr. Bill Skaar of First Baptist Church in Grand Prairie spoke with me briefly on the telephone today. He tells me that Nick used to attend their after-school program a few years back. I am a pastor—it is not just what I do; it is what I am—what would comfort me the most at this time would be to think that I could bring some comfort to you and your family. Knowing that my presence could be more painful than comforting at this time, I hope that you will allow Dr. Skaar or some other caring minister of the gospel to help you in the way that I wish I could.

    I left you my card, and I do hope that you will not hesitate in the least to contact me if I can do anything to provide comfort to you.

    Yours in Christ,
    Bart Barber

  19. Bart - my prayers are with you, your family and the family if this young man. My heart hurts for this situation. My church will be praying for you as well.


  20. Bart, my heart goes out to all of you and this young man's family. Have prayed and will continue to pray. May you find the sufficiency of God's grace. I am so very sorry. selahV

  21. Its times like this that we wish we were able to say something that really made a difference.

  22. Bart: Words seem so hollow and inadequate. This tragedy has touched me. I am praying for both you and your family as well as the family of Nicholas Scroggs.

  23. Bart,

    We, along with our church family, are praying for your family and the Scroggs'. May the peace of God which passes all understand guard your hearts and minds during this time.

    Scott Gordon
    KC MO

  24. I have no words other than I am praying.

  25. I spoke with the superintendent of the GPISD this morning not knowing that it was Bart who was involved in the accident.

    She spoke very highly of the Scroggs family, talked about what a sharp young man that Nicholas was. She told us that the Scroggs family was very involved in Nicholas's life - attended every swim meet etc. and were always there for him.

    My family is praying for both the Scroggs Family and the Barber Family

    Jim Champion

  26. You have our prayers during this time of difficulty. may God's grace be noticeably sufficient.

  27. Bart

    Nicholas's family, your family and all involved are loved! Loved my God and loved by His people. How silly our petty arguments and protestations seem when faced with the issues of eternity.

    Jack Maddx

  28. Brother Bart,

    I love you in the Lord and know that you know He is our source of comfort.

    Gail, Rebekah, and I have prayed for you, Tracy, Sarah, and Jim. I have prayed for the Scroggs family as well.

    If I can do anything, just call.

  29. I saw Nicholas (he is an angel) on the ground seconds after he was hit. He looked very peaceful. I know first hand how his family feels. I am so sorry about your loss. The heavens above are now caring for your son.
    May peace be with you.

  30. Bart,
    My heart goes out to Nicholas' family in this tragedy. My heart is toward you as well. The manner in which you are handling this is giving an accurate reflection of Jesus to the world. May God bless all involved.

  31. I am praying for all of those involved.

  32. Bart,

    I am so sorry about what has happened. I will pray for the Scroggs family and my heart goes out to them. I will pray for you and your family as well. I know that you are devastated. Please allow Jesus to carry this burden for you. It is too much for you to bear.

    May the presence and comfort of God be with all involved in this tragedy.

  33. I'm sorry to hear about this tragedy. My wife and I will be praying for all involved.

    I pray that God will sustain all involved through this time of mourning.

    I'm glad our God is big enough to handle such a tragedy. The other day I listened to a pastor preach his daughter's funeral. I don't know how except by the grace of God. It will certainly bring a tear to your eyes.

    Yours in Christ,


  34. Brother Bart,

    I just read this and my heart is in pain for you and for this young man's family. I am praying now and will continue.

    May God's grace, love, mercy and peace be yours,
    From the Middle East

  35. I am touched that all of you have posted. Nicholas was my cousin's dear son, and a child with a generous spirit and easy smile. His time here was a blessing to all of us that were fortunate to know him his short time here.

    Thank you all for your prayers.

    Kimberly Anne

  36. Bart and Tracy--

    Betty and I were saddened when we saw the news report. We realized how painful it must be for Nicholas Scroggs' family and for your family. But we know that God sustains through these times and we're praying for you and we're praying for the Scroggs family.

    God bless you,
    Clyde and Betty

  37. Bart-

    I've tried to think of the right words to say and I can't come up with anything sufficient. Simply know that Tracy and I will be praying for your family and Nicholas' family.


  38. I happened to come across the devastating story about Nicholas this evening while watching other news videos. I was touched and saddened by this terrible tragedy. I am praying for you and your family as well as the family and friends of Nicholas Scroggs.

  39. Bart,
    Wes and I are praying for you, Tracy, Jim, Sara, and the Scroggs family.

  40. Bart,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you've requested. I've only met you the one time at the conference in Arlington but know that my heart weeps with you.

    If the character shown through the Words of Robert Scroggs is any indication, and I'm sure it is, that young man was a wonderful person. Again, our prayers are with you ALL.

  41. Mr. Barber,

    I don't know you, but I felt the need to reach out to you. My husband works with Nicholas's Mom, and was there when she got the horrible news about Nick. Having two teen sons myself, it really hit home for me in more ways than one. You see, I was hit by a car and nearly killed when I was 7 years old.

    As in the case with Nick and yourself, it was through NO FAULT of the driver - it was completely my fault. I was in ICU for a week, then in traction for 6 weeks, then in a body cast for 6 weeks. It was a terrible ordeal for my family, but I think the man that hit me suffered as much if not more than we did.

    The most important thing I want to say to you is that I have nothing but sorrow and sympathy for the person that hit me. It was a stupid decision on my part, but the poor man that hit me suffered greatly - and I was always sorry for that. If I could find him now, I would tell him that he need not have ANY bad feelings about what happened. I truly believe if Nick was able, he would say the same thing to you.

    Take care of yourself and your family, and though I know it might be very difficult, please forgive yourself - you did nothing wrong.

  42. Bart:

    I just heard. Our family and church will pray for you and the Scroggs family. May the God of all comfort sustain you and the hope of the resurrection give you and your family strength.


  43. Bart:

    I, also, want to tell you how sorry I am to hear about this. I am praying for the family of the Master Scroggs and you and your family.


  44. Sometimes something happens that causes our world to end.

    May God’s hand of blessing and comfort be upon the Scroggs and the Barbers.

    Bart, sometimes a minister must allow others to minister to him and his family. Rarely, you are permitted to experience, what others experience when you minister to them.

    “When my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” -Psalm 61:2

    David R. Brumbelow

  45. Dear Pastor Barber,

    I am Nicholas's Aunt, or rather, step-aunt, but we were close. I am an artist and he was very interested in art when we spent time together, so we had a special bond.

    I wanted to let you know that my mother, Nicholas's (step)Grandmother, found this page on the internet and showed it to me. We have been reading through the comments and I cannot tell you how much of a comfort it is to know about everyone who is praying for the Scroggs. Thank you so much for making this blog page.

    Anna Brumbaugh

  46. Praying for you, brother. We will continue to pray for you and your family as well as the Scroggs family.

  47. Brother Bart,
    George and I are just heartbroken over the event which has happened. We have prayed and prayed for you, Tracy, Sarah and Jim and for the Scroggs family. Our church family is also praying for everyone. It is hard to give words of wisdom to a pastor who is always giving it to others. We think he knows it all but just know that we love you and we are also hurting and praying for you. Only God knows why this happened. If He brings you to it, He will see you through it. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you or your family.

    Your brother and sister in Christ,
    George and Sandi Sossamon

  48. Bart and Tracy,
    You and the Scroggs family are in our prayers. May God be with all of you during this time!

  49. Bart, this is Lori Hazelwood May, I hope you remember me.

    I am so very sorry to hear that this has happened to the boy and his family, and to you and your family.

    We have known each other for years, altho we have not seen in other in years also, Please know that each and every one of you are in my thoughts and my prayers.

    With much love

    Lori Hazelwood May

  50. Praying for you and for the Scroggs family, brother.

  51. Dear Bart,

    The Lord will keep everyone in this tragedy wrapped in his arms, and in time He will heal all pain. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, as well as the family of this young boy.

    Jennifer Killough

  52. Bart,
    Our prayers are with you and the Scroggs family.

    "It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it."

    "Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?"

    We do not pretend to be able to read the hand of Providence, but we are confident that God is working all things together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.


  53. Dear Barbara, Robert, Don and Madelyn, My heart is heavy with the fact that Nicholas is gone. My heart is happy that I was able to know such a beautiful happy child. There are many here at North Star that remember him since Coach BB's pregnancy with this wonderful boy. We remember many gym meets when he sat happily in his baby carrier watching his Momma coach. Many good times with him were spent in the gym. He was always willing to participate in any of our crazy themes of various activities. We've seen him dressed as a baby, pirate, cowboy and Christmas elf. He brought joy to all that knew him. A bright sweet boy will be greatly missed. But happy memories of him will always live on. Several of our coaches were children in the gym with Nicholas. They send their love, concern and happy memories. Pastor Bart, my heart hurts for you too. Sunday, one of our coaches that knew Barbara and Nicholas was at your church. We did not realize the connection until yesterday. Our prayers are with all of you. With Love,Mary, John and your North Star Family

  54. Bart, we will be praying for your family and the Scroggs family. My heart goes out to all of you. God Bless.
    Mechele Buckels

  55. Bart,

    You don't know me but I have been a reader of your blog for some time. As with others, my prayers go out to the Scroggs family and to yours. May God comfort you all.

  56. Br. Bart.
    I am the mother of the best friend of Nick. His name is mason. And a dear friend to the boys mother that was with nick that day. We are all just working on moving forward. But I just wanted to tell you that your words at the funeral the other day gave us some comfort knowing your side of the story. You and your family have been in our prayers from the moment that we heard about the accident. And will always be along with Nicks family and the other boys family. My son is part of Randy Greens youth department and we are all praying for you. Bless you and I only pray your days are better with each day. Tammy Parker GP

  57. Bart this is nathan and i just want to say that day changed the rest of my life and i'll never forget it. nick was my best friend and its hard for me to move on but i think that one good thing came from all of this and it was that i met a wonderful man that day and it was you. i pray for you and your family every night. and i also pray for robert and his family as well as mason mine and nicks friend

  58. bart we are praying for your family and that little boys if you need anything just let the bethabra family in lake city know betty jo and darin said thay will reguest prayer for you

  59. bart,we are thinking of you during this time the church at bethabra is thinking of you and praying for you and eveeryone that was there that day from everyone here in lake city we love ya. roxann

  60. You and Nicholas's family and friends are in my prayers this Christmas Eve. I was touched when you read your blog at the service.

    Sheri Meyers


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