Monday, March 23, 2009

Are We Returning to the Middle Ages?

After the recent flap about indulgences, today our friends over at the Dallas Morning News draw our attention to another positively Medieval idea now turbocharged with twenty-first century technology. Read the DMN's Bruce Tomaso's blog post: "Too busy to pray? For a fee, a computer will do it for you".

This sort of thing seems foolish to me, but if you believe in such a thing as private votive masses, this isn't too far of a stretch.


  1. Hey Bart,
    One of the comments to that original blog is funny. But seriously, who'd a thunk it!? I keep thinkin' to myself, surely this is a joke but I rather imagine that there will be some who opt for this. God help us all!


    PS: My word verification is ulactent. How did it know I was needing to go buy a tent for vacation?

  2. A survey done several years ago stated that the average layperson prayed 4 minutes a day and the average pastor prayed 7 minutes a day. This survey was done before all this new technology became available so I guess I shouldn't be surprised that we have become so preoccupied with "busy-ness" that some are looking to computers to do their praying for them.


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