Monday, March 30, 2009

Disagreement Does Not Equal Racism

There's an interesting story over at Fox News's website in which former Law & Order starlet Angie Harmon rebuffed those who accuse others of racism because of their public questioning and criticism of President Obama. Some of those who accused Republicans of questioning the patriotism of anyone who disagreed with President Bush are now busy questioning the racial tolerance of anyone who disagrees with the current occupant of the Oval Office.

Angie Harmon and Fred Thompson give me occasional hope for Hollywood!


  1. You know, another actor that is pretty conservative is Dwight Schultz (Howling Mad Murdock, Lt. Barkley). He used to have a conservative radio show.

    Acutally though, I have no hope for Hollywood.

  2. It has interested me, for a number of years, that one side seems more prone to throw the race card, than the other. Perhaps turnabout is fair play, for all the years when the shoe was on the other foot.

    But regardless, it's a good time to stick to principles, which I guess it always was.

  3. Brother Joe,

    There are a few beneficial Onthophagus gazella Fabricius that roam around Southern California and find the main heap of treasure just northeast of downtown LA...



  4. I would think it would be personally insulting to the President that his party seems to think that the only good defense of his record is a bad offense(the race card)

  5. So Les, who exactly in the Democratic Party has said that one is a racist if they disagree with Obama???

    Maybe I should also direct that question to Bart since he stated that "Some of those who accused Republicans of questioning the patriotism of anyone who disagreed with President Bush are now busy questioning the racial tolerance of anyone who disagrees with the current occupant of the Oval Office."

    Who is Some? If you can't put specific names and faces to "Some," how can you assert that "Some" is comprised of the same folks who accused the Republicans of questioning their patriotism, etc. ?

    I do wonder how long Hollywood will gush over Obama. It doesn't look like Obama will deliver on repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" anytime soon. I don't think Gates has any intention of moving forward on that. And now Obama is cranking things up in Afghanistan. If gay rights activists and peace activists out in Hollywood are thinking clearly, they should be concerned that their agenda is low-priority.

  6. BDW I apologize for my assumption that those critics would be democrats. I did some research, the critics I found cited were identified as "one analyst","defenders of Obama",or "sources". The only direct accusation I found was leveled by Al Sharpton and the Mayor of New York in reference to an Op/Ed cartoon.
    This begs the question who is leveling this type of criticism and why are they not being identified?

  7. Skin color isn't the deciding factor in ignorance. There's a fair share of that going around in all kinds of circles today.

    The honeymoon for Mr. Obama is either other or just about over. His trip to Europe this week might just prove that. And, I wonder how soon the anti-war protestors will be warming up their signs to protect against Mr. Obama as they did Mr. Bush. Seems to me war is war. And, broken promises of pulling out, are broken promises. Whether made by a democrat or republican.

  8. We don't know the names of the people who are playing the race card in LA (who apparently previously complained about the supposed questioning of their patriotism) because Ms. Harmon did not name them. Even though she did not name them we intuitively can make an educated guess at the type of person that would include.

    2 thoughts:

    We should never despair and give up, especially on an industry such as Hollywood. I would call on more people to get involved in that industry and the TV and radio businesses.

    Second, it is interesting to see Obama's hesitancy on some issues. I believe that the way he will deal with that will be to stack the federal bench and the US Supreme Court with jurists who will overturn gay marriage statutes and policies like don,t ask, don't tell.

    That's the way to chane those issues so that you don't get you opponents worked up. Even if it disappoints his suppoters, they have nowhere else to go.



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