Saturday, March 7, 2009

One Thing I Love About Facebook

Denny Burk has posted a link to the video "Twenty-Five Things I Hate About Facebook". Yes, I pretty much hate every single one of those things about Facebook. In fact, I'm a pretty bad Facebooker. I'll do friends. I'll do the occasional chat. I don't do applications. The IT-guy in me just automatically refuses when faced with ominous prompts about giving access to my profile to things I don't know and trust. So, I don't do flair, don't do bumper stickers…don't do a lot of things. Facebook has its annoyances.

But there is one thing that I really love about Facebook. Facebook smashes your entire world together. Your church friends, your non-church friends, your past, your present—it all comes colliding in Facebook. That reality makes it just a little bit tougher to be living a double life. Not impossible—I know that there are ways around this. But just a little bit tougher. And I'll take that as an improvement.

So to all of the members of the FBC Farmersville Facebook group: Your pastor is watching. And, of course, I know that you are watching me. Just please disregard those skinny, geeky pictures that my college roommate put up. ;-)


  1. Bart,

    I agree with your Facebook comments.

    I've used it to really up my game in connecting with people. I DO NOT do any of the pokes, apps, or any of the other stuff. I have a long page of "requests." I will not even give them the time of day.

    Mars Hill is developing a Christian equivalent to Facebook. It's pretty good. Social networking, when handled with care, can be good.

    Check it out:

  2. tried to ignore the college pictures, but couldn't resist. those are hilarious! thank your friend for the laugh!!!


  3. Good post. I feel much the same way about facebook. I joined because of a Baptist History and Heritage group. Don't remember how I even knew about it (and shouldn't you be a part of that?). But all that other stuff drives me crazy. I have found it worthwhile, though, for creating an "event" and inviting friends to it.

    But the bringing of our dichotomized lives together in one place has a very unique flavor to it. Perhaps it even turns us into "real" people for some who don't know us that way.

  4. Don't make me come loosen your ties gentleman. I do like the flairs. I can't get enough of them. What does that say about me? Maybe Bowden could answer. Privately of course. :)

  5. Dr. Barber,

    Good comments. I definitely agree about it "smashing" everything together.

    I don't do the applications on FB either.

  6. I have a few pictures of you from high school FFA events. Shall I post those? Might even have one of you sleeping in a vehicle while certain people who shall remain anonymous were throwing gum wrappers into your mouth!!


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