Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Young Conservatives Anthem


  1. How, exactly, does Jesus teach conservative politics?

  2. These gentlemen listed Jesus as one of the influences upon their political views, but not the exclusive influence. They have a web site, and you might ask them yourself.

    If I were guessing, I might suppose that they have read the New Testament injunction, "If a man will not work, neither let him eat." It is also likely that they have leaped to the bold and risk presumption that Jesus is opposed to the murder and dismemberment of infants.

    But I don't want to put words into their mouths. Ask them for yourself. The YouTube site includes a link to their primary web site.

  3. Bart,
    Your answers to the above question were GREAT!

    I wonder why we cannot see that the Bible speaks clearly?

  4. That one fella is really tall, huh? Thanks for sharing this. Don't you just love it that young men like this can speak out and share they love Jesus? selahV

  5. Conversely, I invite you to see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XivNwQ76mCs

    Two Democrats on an Escalator.

    Jeff Barber

  6. "I wonder why we cannot see that the Bible speaks clearly?"

    AMEN! Preach it Tim Guthrie! Tomorrow's Bible study speaks clearly on the evils of the Capital Gains Tax and the temporary nationalization of GM....

    Don't miss it!

  7. If big daddy weave believes the nationalization of Gm is temporary, he might need tommorow's bible study to be in the book proverbs.

  8. What is risky is the merging of Christianity and ANY political system.

  9. Eric,

    True. But what is riskier is the divorcement of the faith from the moral issues of the world around us, as though our faith has nothing to say to these questions. Where the faith says something and a political party says the same thing, we ought to have the courage to agree with the political party. Where the contrary is true, we ought to have the courage to disagree.

  10. Bart,

    First, I appreciate the dialogue.

    Second, I agree that our faith has much to say about the moral issues of today. I agree that abortion is wrong. While there may be some elements of agreement with one party, let's say the Republican party, it is dangerous to mix Republicanism with Christianity. While we may agree on abortion it takes some exegetical two-stepping to prove that free-market capitalism is the BIBLICAL plan for society. (I agree with free-market capitalism, but I do not think that I can get that support from Scripture)



  11. I agree that the Bible cannot be taken as advocating free market capitalism.

    Nevertheless, I believe that socialism is being promoted in our society as a matter of justice. I do think that it is appropriate to highlight differences between what I believe to be the biblical model of justice (enterprise, blessing/reward, generosity, and gratitude) and the socialistic solution (confiscation, forced redistribution, and class covetousness, IMHO).

    Christianity should not be wedded to the Republican Party. But I have not seen a convincing case that it has been. I think that John McCain would complain loudly that Christianity has not been a reliable constituency for the GOP.

  12. However, there are more than two options. Opposition to the Democrat Party among Christians should not be taken ipso facto as blank-check support for the GOP.

    They lyrics of the anthem clearly state something less than allegiance to the GOP.

  13. Have yall seen what Obama has done now? He has made June "Gay and Lesbian Month." Our country is on a fast track to Hell.


    PS. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. I am a Christian, and I am Conservative. I'm truly independent politically.

  14. Christendom in the U.S. today stands in desperate need of a Christian evangelist and a Christian educator--the evangelist to call God's people back to the spiritual health of the relationship we have in Jesus Christ, and the educator to show us what to do with that restored spiritual health (lest the services of the evangelist be required again in about 3 weeks!).

    Not a Great Commission Resurgence but a Great Commandment Emergence is needed in the SBC (i.e., the Great Commission will "take care of itself" when the Great Commandment becomes a reality in the lives of God's people, but not until--at least on a sustained basis; the fulfillment of the Great Commandment will be a work of the Holy Spirit IN believers [cf. Galatians 5:22f], and the Great Commission fulfilled will be His work fulfilled THROUGH believers).

    Just 2 cents' worth today. Take someone to church with you on Sunday!

    David Troublefield
    Minister of Education/Missions
    Wichita Falls, TX

  15. If I were guessing, I might suppose that they have read the New Testament injunction, "If a man will not work, neither let him eat." It is also likely that they have leaped to the bold and risk presumption that Jesus is opposed to the murder and dismemberment of infants.

    As they say in the hood, "True dat".

  16. Brother Bart,

    Can you provide a transcript? The music was very distracting and it was difficult to make out the message. :)


  17. Aaron: Exactly. It's funny what some claim the Bible speaks so "clearly" on that just doesn't seem to have a reference attached to it. :)

  18. volfan: Those without Christ are on the fast track to hell, not because of policies. When are we going to learn that it's an inside out job done by the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ and not who is in office or Democrat or Republican. Again, the Jews missed Christ because they thought He was going to save them from the government at the time. Christ had a different plan in mind. Not a cultural war.

  19. Debbie,

    God judged many, many nations thruout history. The Canaanites found this out....as did the culture in the days of Noah. Remember that one...the flood? Also, when we see how mighty Rome fell, and Greece, and Babylonia, and Egypt, and the Zulu's, and the USSR fell...well, we need to learn from history, Debbie.

    God does judge nations. Nations who slide into sins...especially perverted sins like homosexuality...end up being weakened, or even destroyed.

    The USA could very well be next. Let's see....we have abortions killing lots of babies every year. We have a President declaring that gays and lesbians should be honored with a "month." We have a President that has very socialistic ideas and plans. I'd say that we were on a fast track for hell.


  20. It's funny what some claim the Bible speaks so "clearly" on that just doesn't seem to have a reference attached to it. :)

    You shall not murder. Exodus 20:13 (NASB)

    Explanation for Mainstreamers--this means that mudering babies by disecting them inside the womb and pulling them out a piece at a time is immoral. Therefore, it should also be illegal. All Christians realize that the goal regarding abortions is not to reduce them or make them "less necessary" but the goal is to make abortion illegal which will result in fewer abortions.


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