Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Great Commission: Make Disciples!

Disciples of Jesus Christ are the objective of the Great Commission.


  1. Bart,

    I am in total agreement with you, once again, here.

    Just wondering. Are you planning on getting into what it means to make disciples "of all nations."

    Some have translated the phrase here, as "disciple the nations," and run with it in a way i don't think makes sense exegetically, finding a command to transform cultures, and governmental structures, etc., i.e. "Christianizing the nation-states of the world." Any insights on this question?

  2. Then He breathed on them and they received the Holy Spirit . . .

    In the Book of 1st Thessalonians, it is recorded that the Apostles made disciples by the Power of the Holy Spirit:

    "1 Thes. 1:5-6

    5 because our Gospel came to you not simply with words,
    but also with Power,
    with the Holy Spirit
    and with deep conviction.

    You know how we lived among you
    for your sake.

    6 You became imitators of us
    and of the Lord;

    in spite of severe suffering,
    you welcomed the message
    with the joy given
    by the Holy Spirit."

  3. David,

    The phrase "panta ta ethne" is next. Thanks for following the series. If the time restraints of the recording don't permit (but I think that they will) then I'll be certain to go into more details in the comments.

  4. Anonymous,

    Although those particular verses don't really attribute the making of disciples to the Holy Spirit (they tell that the Holy Spirit accompanied the gospel and gave joy to those who welcomed the gospel), I do indeed believe that it is by the Holy Spirit's power that we make disciples.

  5. Hi Bart,

    Thanks for responding. It's me, Christiane. I was the one who wrote that comment.
    I did say in my comment "that the Apostles made disciples by the Power of the Holy Spirit", so it might be that we may agree more than we disagree.

    I believe that the work of the Holy Spirit in the formation of a Christian disciple is a great mystery.

    From the Book of Corinthians 12, we read this
    " and no one can say, "Jesus is Lord," except by the Holy Spirit. "

    The work of the Holy Spirit is somewhat downplayed by those in the Protestant Churches who reject Pentecostalism,
    but Catholics and Orthodox (who are not Protestant Pentecostals) see the work of the Holy Spirit as one of actively transforming the hearts of men who look upon Christ, are convicted, repent, and seek Christ's forgiveness.
    I believe that, by the power of the Holy Spirit, they will come to see themselves as the adopted sons of God, their 'Abba Father'.

    'Discipleship' is a word that you and I may not define in the same way, so I stand corrected, if I have confused the issue here.


  6. Bart,
    Can I have your email address? I'd like to send you a resource on this very topic to get some feedback. If you would prefer not to post it, mine is cmbonts @ yahoo . com

    Chris Bonts


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