Monday, November 8, 2010

The Great Commission: Baptize!

I know…I know…you thought I had forgotten about my Great Commission videos. But really, I was just wanting to do a little better job on the production side of these videos. I was recording some other items for the church today, and I just took a minute to record the next installment of the Great Commission series while all of the equipment was set up. I think it turned out to be much higher production quality than what I was doing before.



  1. Thank you for this poignant, positive reminder of the totality of the Great Commission we have been given.

  2. Good stuff. Needs more stripes, though...

  3. Bart,

    Good stuff. I am reminded not to assume people in our pews get these truths. Baptized a dear lady in her 60's last Sunday who went through my Baptist Faith and Message class and discovered she never had been biblically baptized.
    Blessings. KS

  4. Obligatory disclaimer: I totally agree with what you say about the significance of baptism, and the necessity of obeying all of the Lord's commands as best as we are able, and in the way we understand them.

    However, I wonder if part of the controversy alluded to in your talk here stems from the terminology we use. What if, for instance, instead of speaking of "Great Commission Christians," we spoke of a term that Paul used in Phil. 1:5, "fellowship in the gospel," or "partnership in the gospel"? Ought we to consider evangelical paedobaptists as "partners in the gospel"? And, even if they are not technically fulfilling the Great Commissions in the way we, as Baptists, understand it, could we not say they are at least "on the same team" as we are in regard to a significant portion of the GC? And, is it wrong to cooperate with them on this particular portion of the GC?

    If Paul were here today, might he not write to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at "Locality X," with the overseers and deacons (Phil 1:1), expressing his desire that they stand firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel (Phil. 1:27)?


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