Sunday, September 9, 2007

Gotcha Day 2007

In addition to their birthdays, we also celebrate a "Gotcha Day" for both Jim and Sarah. "Gotcha Day" is the day that their respective adoptions became final. Jim's Gotcha Day is September 11 (a date we were glad to swap for a more positive meaning), and Sarah's is September 29. Falling as close together as they do on the calendar, we combine them into one big celebration sometime in September (although we still have mini-observances on the actual day for each child). This year we went to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, TX, for our Gotcha Day treat. On the way back, we stopped at Bass Pro Shop, one of Jim's favorite destinations, where he spent about $2.00 racking up the lowest scores in history shooting the light-emitting rifles at nothing in particular. He had a great time—we all did. God puts together families by whatever means He chooses. We're so thankful for ours.


Tim Rogers said...

Brother Bart,

Gotcha Day. I love the concept. Looks like you had a great time. The picture of Sarah driving brings back memories for me. In our previous ministry the driveway to the church was a winding drive approximately 1/4 mile. I would allow Rebekah to ride in my lap driving from the church to the road. She would squeal and giggle all the way. Gail would suck in air and constantly say the words; "Be Careful". I would punch the gas and step on the brake. It makes for a great memory for family times.


Bart Barber said...

Bro. Tim,

She'll be operating those pedals for herself pretty soon!

CB Scott said...


No wonder you did not come play with us yesterday. You were doing far better things. I'll be glad to help Jim with those rifles someday. He can go with us on a "Wild Hog" hunt:-)

I want to invite you to a B-B-Q next week. We are having a big hog roast in Tuscaloosa next Saturday. There will be plenty of of B-B-Q pork for any and all. Come on over. You can ride with me. Remember to wear crimson. You don't want to be mistaken for the food:-)


Robin Foster said...

Bro. Bart

I would lead in a rendition of Sonny and Cher's, "I Got You Babe," but I can't remember the words. You get the idea though! :-)

BTW, I have been at Fossil Rim. Great place. I used to be a youth minister right outside of Glen Rose.

God Bless.

Tim G said...

Great idea all around and thank you for sharing this!

Gotcha Day - I love it and will share this with a few people who have adopted.


volfan007 said...


great looking children! God has smiled upon you, my friend.


FBC said...

Blessings Bro
Don't let c.b. rib you. It probably will be a McFadden run fest.

Luke said...

I looked for an email and I may not be the sharpest tack in the pack but if it is not listed, would you please email me at liechtylukeatyahoodotcom. I put it that way so spammers do not readily pick up on it.


Bob Cleveland said...

Man, how blessed is THAT? How blessed are YOU?

Gotcha day is absolutely terrific. Flowers to you for that.

Some years down the road, Sarah will wake up to the fact that she (perhaps) thought she was driving the car, but in reality, your hands were down there guiding it all along.

She may even find a place to preach it.

davidinflorida said...


Alyce Faulkner said...

Love those babies Bart!
These comments should all be positive, I mean who can disagree with babies?
CB is dead wrong. They are bbqing alright.
Goat most likely.
Sooieeee Pig!