Saturday, July 13, 2024

Against Political Violence

A message I just sent to the people of FBC Farmersville:
In the past few minutes, we have learned that someone has apparently shot Former President Trump. He was bleeding from the ear, but appeared not to be seriously injured at all. He, his campaign, and the United States Secret Service all say that he is fine. The shooter is dead, as are at least two attendees at the rally.
Let us pray for our nation.
Let us make it clear that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Unlike people in many other places around the world, we get to speak by way of our votes. We live in a nation where our votes are not coerced, we are not threatened or intimidated in our voting, our votes are fairly counted every time, and our country transfers power every time in accord with the expressed wishes of the people.
Unlike in Iran, Russia, South Sudan, or many other places we could mention, there is never any need for us to resort to violence in order to be heard or to create political change. This is a double blessing for Christians, since our system of government allows us to be active in shaping the character of our country without violating what God's word clearly commands us in Romans 13:1-7 and I Peter 2:13-17. The person who resorts to violence is therefore not only at war with a political opponent but is also at war with the majority of our countrymen and at war with the word of God.
In his second inaugural address, Abraham Lincoln was trying to bring the country together after the Civil War. Imagine how divided the nation was at that time. Imagine how powerful your own feelings would have been at that time. Perhaps you had sent your own son to fight in the war or your own husband. Perhaps he had been killed or injured. Perhaps your house had been burned or you had lost all you owned. How would you feel about your enemy at war?
Abraham Lincoln said this at the time: "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in." Charity, not malice.
And so, as believers, let us all pray for President Trump, no matter how you plan to vote in November. Let us all speak with one voice saying that this kind of behavior is WRONG. Let us not contribute to making things worse, but let us be the ones summoning what Lincoln called "the better angels of our nature" in all of those around us. Let us do all of those things around our family tables, in our Sunday School classrooms, and in our presence online.
And as we watch the deterioration of our country, let us remember that our home still stands waiting for us in Heaven, secure in peace and truth.

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